Wednesday, February 24, 2010


We will remember these Olympic games for the courage that the athletes have shown in the face of death. The whole world held their breath as Joannie Rochette skated in the short program just two days after the sudden death of her mom. She walked in proudly determined to demonstrate great courage and inner strength. Every soul in the rink was cheering her on, holding back their tears, and at the end of the performance we cried with her. She was applauded for her courage; in unthinkable circumstances. I know her mother would be proud of her and cheering her on; and she would be inspiring her as she had done all her life. She has won her gold medal.
Her sorrow has touched all our hearts and all our prayers will continue to be with her.
Grief is apart of each one of ours l;ives. We grieve for the past and we grieve for the present that prevents us from living fully and doing what we use to do. Yes our hair is turning gray and we are losing energy and muscle tone and are greatest fear is of falling and yet we are thankful to be alive. But I find I have to be so careful as I work out in my front garden concentrating on each step.Love never dies but lives on of the hearts whose lives have been touched by the warmth of another human being. The good memories come flooding back and eventually grief becomes peace.
We do not walk alone as we journey through our joys and our sorrows. Yesterday as Jane and I shared a cup of tea with Shirley we laughed as she told us amazing stories but in a moment of quiet we shared how we felt God.s presence with us in a warmth and a peace. I think also of a quiet breeze that comes out of nowhere or a movement that we sense out of the corner of our eyes these speak to me of a presence that is real.
"As we journey through this life, into death, and into life once more, we are
constantly brought face to face with that ineffable place of surrender--the place where the past is allowed to dissove and a new state of being is born. This is the place where our spirit can soar on the wings of God." --Falling Into the Arms of God


Anonymous said...

I dont watch the olympics, only get highlites from you and Randy, so it is interesting to see the different view points. Did you manage to get any yard work done yesterday?

Anonymous said...

I was getting worried because you had not commented, I thought you may be sick. We watch hockey to-night, and the girl figure skating I think to-morrow. Last night was very emotional and the picture that got my tears flowing was her learning to skate with her mom when she was about three.

Yes, I worked out in the yard till my back hurt. I am glad of the rain. Then Jane and I went to see Shirley and the tea pot handle broke when I tried to pour the tea. It older than Shirley, her grandmothers. I am leading our study group at 12:30 so I had better finesh my lesson.
love mom

Anonymous said...

No, I am not sick, just very busy at work and then stepped on my glasses first thing in the morning so went out the the electric shop and asked them to fix them for me.
I think I will take a "sick" day next Monday though, after having finished my stress month I need the break.

Anonymous said...

You are very lucky to feel God's presence Mom , very few do.