Friday, November 23, 2018


I like this name Kim called me.  You can put it on my grave stone.  I do not want a funeral especially as there will be no familiar church.  Just have a loud and noisy family party.  I will be there in spirit.

Dad has written a new blog about his hockey career.

I came home from my morning walk in the chilly rain chilled right to the bone.  Took all morning to warm up.  I had several cat-naps because I think I got over-tired on Thursday.
  It was a very delightful almost perfect day.  We even had a visit to the book store.

I have been reading a book called "Costly Grace" by Rob Schenck.  He describes his faith journey which was very similar to mine.  We read a lot of the same books and listen to some of the same programs on  the radio.

The main purpose of his book is to encourage each of us to do a deep spiritual introspection of what we believe and what our churches teach us.  How has the political influenced our denomination?  Have we watered down the message? 

 I understand we share our humanity, as believers and as no-believers.  We are all in this together , Christian Jew Muslim and other. 

I will continue to support good causes by sharing my thoughts and what I am learning.

Rob Schenck was greatly influenced by Dietrick Bonhoeffer who made him look more deeply in to the Bible and finding out the words of Jesus speaking to him to speak out on issues like gun control and the acceptance of the gay community.  He challenges the evangelical community with a strong message to face their fears and refrain from hate and violence.

There is a lot to be discovered and discussed if we are willing to search for the truth.

Dad did go for a bike ride and picked up some cookies from the store.  He has been feeling so much better.

We offered to help Aneta take some boxes over to her new apartment but she says she does not need it.  The old neighbors are being very kind and helpful.

I would end with the thought that it is so important to be a good neighbor!


Sandra said...

I guess when ever you get the ripe old age that you will reach our decision on how to celebrate will probably be obvious.

I looked at the rain and decided to not go out. I have not found my rain pants yet, I guess I should dig them out from where ever they are.

That is kind of funny, you guys offering to carry boxes. Not that you couldn't manage to do a few, but just you would not typically expect the offer to come from someone in their 80s.

My school work is done, last assignment sent in. BUT, the course I wanted to sign up for next is already full!!! They dont send out emails when you can register for the next semester so I missed out.


beth bennett said...

Congratulations Sandra
on a job well done.

too bad you missed out on the next sesion.

I have a minute before going back to church fr a funeral for Mrs. Coulter
who lived at the top of our street.

Qwen Wick is her daughter.

Love mom