Wednesday, January 9, 2019


Dad bought me flowers which is a very loving thing to do.

It is love that leads us from brokenness to wholeness.

Dad had an amazing result on his P.S.A. blood test.  Very encouraging.

Nice to receive a card and a picture of the children from Ken.

I am happy we are beginning our study at church today.

I am fortunate to have these dear friends.

I am closing the door on the past, nobody is perfect, and as long as we can look to the future with hope healing is there for us to receive.


Sandra said...

I am sure if you met a perfect person they would be very boring.

Glad to hear the past is going to be allowed to fade back to where it belongs.

My cold is hanging on. I thought I was much better this morning but it did not last.

Mary was quite surprised to see Dad as a Facebook friend of the man she is dating. He sure does move fast!


beth bennett said...

Thank you Sandra
