Thursday, January 17, 2019


Dad took some time out from this project to visit one of his old buddies in the hospital Yesterday.
Very sad that he is failing mentally and a nasty fall has out him into hospital.
dad was joined with two others.  We heard he liked grapes but there were now to be had at the store which is unusual so we took a half package we had on hand.  Better than none I guess.

Dad and I are doing a lot of talking and learning more about what is important in our lives, past and present. I never knew how important hockey had been to dad in the years before we met and then after wards.  I knew he loved playing hockey and was good at it.  Things would have been different if I had been able to see him play more.

So we continue to learn about each other.

Bad things happened to both of us during our teen years.

I am learning that our past experiences effect us deeper than we realize and good can come out of bringing them out in the open.

I have always had this sense that I was unworthy of being loved and now I understand why.

Faith is helping me to trust that every experience has the power to absorb pain when we belief that suffering has meaning.

Love has always been there with me and will always reveal this love to me when I can pray about my past and my future.

Human love continues to hold me with lots of hugs and understanding.

Feeling stronger every day.


Anonymous said...

We have found how important it is to listen and try to truly understand what the other is actually saying. This strengthens our love and understanding of our young lives.

Sandra said...

It must hard to see so many friends with failing health. I guess you are able to count your blessings that you are doing as well as you are.

beth bennett said...

Yes it is very difficult.

Yes we are thankful.

Love mom

Shandel said...

Isnt it amazing that after so many years together you can keep learning things about each other? I find that fascinating and kinda scary. But it's so true the more we talk and discuss things and feel we are heard it really does bring a deep healing. Communication no matter the subject is important. Sometimes we are not ready or it's too painful but it does bring healing.