Saturday, January 12, 2019


                      A beautiful evening sky as we drive into Tsawwassen on Friday night.

Kim had  prepared a healthy supper for us with soup and salad.  It was good that Sandra was able to join us after coming from the doctor in White Rock.

Our family has had had a lot of health problems over Christmas which has worn some of us down.  Sandra has bronchitis and had some blood work and an x-ray procedure to check on the pain she is experiencing which she believes is gout.

It is cold today but it is going to be sunny today and for the rest of the week.

This is the way we were!

Today we are going to a party for Atlin, Tavia's one year old.
The whole family will be there at Cathy and Glen's very small bungalow.
We have not seen very much of this busy family.
They have all moved away.

I am trying to do some serious reading.  The book is called "Christ Actually".
Searching for the truth of the past is not always easy or comfortable.


Anonymous said...

The past is a long way back - memory is very suspect, and fragil, tomorrow may
never come!

That is why jesus - or somebody wiser than me, said to live in the present!

A loving husband

Sandra said...

Well, that is a horrible picture of me. When did I get so fat? Oh well.

Did a bit of yard work yesterday and will attempt more today. I feel a bit better but still have my cough.


nancy-Lou said...

How nice to read that you went for a drive out to Chilliwack. I always loved that drive, when we headed east on the Trans Canada Hwy, coming home. So pretty as the mountains become closer.
I am glad you and Larry can get out for drives. I read where you were in Tswassan as well. Good for you!
It is nice to see family photos nice you were invited over for soup and salad which Kim made for you.

We are staying as close to home as we can with winter being upon us now. Today we are going for a ride in Ken's Argo, which has a track on it. Through the trails on his forest property where we walk. We do forest bathing walks, which are very slow and meditative. All a person's senses become extra strong and you are aware of so many things you would otherwise miss. It is an old chinese practice, Forest is amazing how it brings the blood pressure down. Very healthy. It takes about an hour and a half.

We need to run the Argo over the trails to break paths as the snow is about up to hips in places.

I am at my house trying to get things sorted out for getting ready to sell the house. It is a lot of work after 42 years of living here. I have moved to Kens house now and come back here to work for a few hours daily. I want to list the house in the spring.

this morning we had three large bucks in the yard and a couple of smaller ones. The smaller guys like to 'test out' the big bucks and they spar with them...but the small ones are always the losers.. They actually lock antlers and the big guys push around the smaller ones...rather reluctantly. Really not into it as the rut is long over! They are starting to lose their antlers too and look funny with only one antler...lop sided.

I am sorry to hear your family has been ill over the holidays. That so often happens doesn't it? Especially with plane travel...germs abound on those things. I think I would wear a mask and use hand sanitizer if I ever travel by plane again.

There was a birthday party for Audrey, our son, Mark's partners grandchild. She turned 2 and is such a little doll. Her Father is from Laos and she looks very much like him, but is really tiny. She is a DIVA and mugs for the camera and poses...awfully cute. I bet the party for your little guy was good too. Kids are the best aren't they? Pretty noisy at parties though!

Well I wish everyone there well and hope you all feel better quickly! We have stayed away from the bugs that are going around here...even though I have been teaching. Fingers are crossed. i thihnk it really pays to have the flu shot! My son has the flu and is coughing a lot and I haven't caught it.

I wish you are lovely day and evening and will write again soon,

Love to all,