Monday, January 14, 2019


We were advised by an official that our hedge needed to be trimmed because a wheel chair could not get by.  A complaint was made and we did not know who to get to do the work.  A big job!

Because it was a sunny day dad decided to give it a try.

Neighbors walking by give him some advice and even others in the car.
They tell him what a good job he is doing.
The outside of the hedge is completely gone.

We should not get any more complaints.

The clean up is another big chore.

Tuesday dad goes to see his doctor and get his medical for his driving license.  I am sure his doctor will find nothing to complain about as he thinks dad is doing well.


Sandra said...

Well, that is going to be very ugly to look at. You might as well get a fence in its place. I have a hate of evergreen hedges now after we had our huge one. So much work to maintain.


beth bennett said...

That is true.

Dad seems to be enjoying the cutting off the branches.

What a mess to clean up which is the hard part.

Are you back at work?

Love mom

Sandra said...

Yes I am at work. Just missed one day first week back.

beth bennett said...

Good I like to keep track of you.