Tuesday, January 22, 2019


              Always nice to enjoy a family dinner with Carol and Panteli and Kim and Haiti.

Dad had spent Monday morning at the dentist and goes back on Wed. for an root job.  Our teeth are going to be priceless.

I had a walk with Aneta and will be going back to walking with her when it works for her and the dog.

Today we spent the morning going through papers and unopened letters.  Yes we still do that.  Found two checks so right away took them to the bank.

I am slowly reading the book "Christ Actually"

It is amazing how many books have been written about Jesus and continue to be written to this day.

"Symbol and metaphor define the only language which can be used in defining God and this is why Jesus told stories and parables which would live on in the memory of is disciples and followers.  The message was that when we suffer we do not suffer alone.

"Jesus preached a God at home with human complexity and a God who is not defeated by death but lives on in the hearts
and memory of our own experiences."

Every day is a day to make special memories finding joy in the unexpected.


Steady-as-rain said...

I am reading a book about Paul. As you probably know, there are many stories about Jesus that Paul doesn't mention. For example, the whole water-into-wine thing.

Yes, there are a bunch of books about Jesus, and growing every day!

The Neurologist said, "you don't have Parkinson's, so I don't know why they sent you to see me!". She also said "your fatty liver is too fat!".

So I think less stress, more water (to avoid dehydration), and more walking, and more fresh fruit and vegetables, although this last one is the hardest because I buy the stuff but hardly ever eat it.

Too bad about dad and the root canal.



beth bennett said...

Yes Rick it all seems to come back to the same advice.

I feel virtuous when I buy the right stuff but forget cooking it.

I could not spell canal.

Love mom

Sandra said...

Don't forget fruit and vegetables do not have to be fresh to be good for you. Making a smoothy a day with frozen is easy. I use frozen spinach, kale, and brockli.

It is so fun to open a cheque in the mail. I did not know people still got them though.

It was too wet and cold for me to walk last night, just made a fire and hunkered down for the night.


beth bennett said...

good idea Sandra,

A bit warmer today.

Leah and Craig are looking at renting the church hall.

Love mom

Shandel said...

I agree with sandy when making smoothies you can get away with using frozen fruit and veg. And in our winters they have much more nutrient value then the stuff that comes so far away in truck. If your going to eat the fruit and veg in a cooked dish I prefer fresh even if less nutrients lol because it just tastes better. Did you see the new Canada food guide? They are finally catching up and encouraging ppl to eat more fruits and veggies and less animal products. This is a great step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned.