Sunday, January 20, 2019


                     Yes Ben has certainly changed but he still looks good in grandpa's hat.
                              He is a good sport letting me take his picture.
                                          A young man with great potential!
                                     He seems to be growing taller each time I see him.

Friday was a busy day cleaning up the yard but it was good to be out in the fresh air and accomplish our tasks.  We appreciated having supper at Carol and Panteli's with Kim and Ben,

Saturday we could not decide what to do so we did not go out and it was good to be home when Sandra and Randy dropped.  When you take a picture of more than one it can be hard to choose the one picture they look good in.  They are both smiling so that is good.
Life never seems to get boring as dad and I share past experiences that have shaped our lives.

"Life consists of two journeys'

The outward journey of the body through time and space.
and the inner journey of the soul.

The inward journey focuses on creating depth to our existence
discovering who we really are,
Finding meaning and purpose in the story of our life."

For me I need both the outward and the inner journey to help me find security and peace.

Healing the past opens a door to a even greater potential.
I have come a long way but it has not always been easy!
I truly believe that some things are best forgotten.

I am thankful for each new day.


Sandra said...

It is funny that the picture of us ( with that ghostly face in the back ground) seems like it is night time.
Thanks for sharing your story with us.
I know from having a story of my own that cutting the ties of emotion can be a lot harder than you might expect.

We just went home and snuggled up together rather than making a fire and watched a movie. No walk as Randy's tendon was bothering him a gain.

Off to get my X-ray today.


beth bennett said...

Thanks Sandra
Feeling very drained today.
Appreciated your comments.
Love mom