Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Scripture tells us that our minds can be renewed,our attitudes can change, and memories healed we can even be given new names.
For me this is done through prayer and meditation and using the gift of our imagination.  Right now it is helpful for me to know the old burdens can be put down as we clothed ourselves with the beauty of the Spirit.

Light chases away the darkness and newness await for me each day.

Yes Jesus also taught that in this life will be suffering and unfairness and some we have to embrace to be set free and finally healed.

I am trying to walk a little farther

Renewal comes as we experience love for ourselves and others.


Anonymous said...

The weather was cooler yesterday so we went to the Werribee Park zoo it’s an open range zoo with the animals wrong around three outside of cages it was very good day. It’s 37° today so pretty warm when I do much watching the tennis on telly and like go down to buy Matthew a new lizard.

beth bennett said...

Sounds good Ken,
Having fun with the children.

Thanks for the phone call.

I have been a little down since Christmas and being so sick.

Love mom

Sandra said...

I have to admit I am a little confused why you are not more open about just what you have been "a little down about" Why does it have to be hidden?

Good to see you are walking more. Randy and I are going every night as soon as we get home. That way we do not get too comfortable and in our jammies and not go.

Our new kitten is all healed up and ready to go, just waiting to get the word when.


beth bennett said...

Some things are more difficult for some of us.

Time to take time out first.

Love mom