Monday, June 17, 2019


Thank you Sandra and Randy for hosting another father's day party.  Thanks for the excellent chocolate cake.  Hope Randy your headaches are all gone.  You did not need that second dose of side affects again.

We got up this morning expecting to go and see dad's Cancer specialist.  The appointment was cancelled again for the third time.  The nurse said he was sick.  Well at least the excuse has been different every time.

We were planning to visit Vera at the same time.  The other woman across from her was not back in the Nursing Home.  I am not sure about visiting.

I would like to help others who have experienced similar trauma like I did.  The opportunity will come if I am meant to do this. 

Dad has an eye appointment in White Rock to-morrow.  I can pick up some G.F. food at the same time.  I have to make an eye appointment to have my eyes checked to see if I can renew my drivers license,  I should go again anyway,

Thrusday is the strawberry tea rime at the church.  I will ask Joanne and Aneta if they would like to go.  I jnow the church hall will be full of flowers and happy people.

I may add something again later.


Sandra said...

Your welcome. It was nice to have the sun out and be able to sit outside.

beth bennett said...

Yes sunshine makes a difference.

I dp wamtto find confidrnce to go in your lovely warm pool.

Love mom