Monday, June 10, 2019


You are achieving your goals
We are proud of you.

                                I am sure both teams had high hopes as they skated on the ice
                                    for what started to be a very exciting game.
                                    So many fans with crushed spirits as they left the arena.

                             We all want to be winners but there are greater lessons to be revealed when we fail.

Dad and I did not attend church because I felt like having a quiet day.  I had a lot of concerns for others on my heart.  I enjoyed several walks and lots of reading and writing.  Lots of hockey stories too! 
a new one about dad turning up for the game with no skates on a freezing raining Saskatoon night.
The goalie lent him his truck to go home and get his skates  Fortunately he was able to drive even in the miserable conditions of ice and rain.  He had no experience with trucks. He missed half the game.

I attended church with high hopes of joy and fulfillment.  Facing disappointment helped me see my own imperfections as well as others.

Humility and courage and the willingness to be supportive of others bring out the best within us.

The best we can do is keep in the game and continue to learn from our experiences.

Dad had a good bike ride as the day became warmer.


Sandra said...

My hopes these days are all around my schooling as that is what consumes me these days.
I knew I would not be able to concentrate on my homework with my garden calling me so I got out and planted first thing and then was in and hitting the books by noon.

I guess I should have called to see if you wanted to drop by, but it sounds like you had a quiet day of relaxing instead.

It was so nice to see Justice and Ben hanging out together.


beth bennett said...

That is okay Sandra

I forgot dad's coolies at Carols.


Love mom