Sunday, June 30, 2019


It is another beautiful day.
A day to celebrate all of life.
To see the hope in each others eyes.
To wish a good friend Larry Happy Birthday.!!

Yesterday we made another trip to see Vera at the hospital.  She is looking brighter and lively.  This is her true personality coming through.  She has brought a lot of joy into many lives and will continue to do so even though her her whole life is changing.

Vera always looked beautiful with her perfect hair do (it was a wig) and smart bright clothes and delightful laugh.  Now she looks even more beautiful in her hospital gown and her own hair cut short.  Her eyes still sparkle with the delight of having visitors.

I had many things I wanted to ask her but the visit was interrupted by the visit of a very, very, talkative friend.  She chatters on and on about every detail of her life.  We see it is tiring Vera so we volunteer to take her home.  Our hour is now up.

We say a few words to the sad girl across from her and wish we could do more.

We will have celebrated life with all our many friends at church today.

We look forward to the July celebrations of the visit of Mary and Chad and the children and all the July birthdays!

Life is good.  God is good!  Off to church!  Hope you are all good too!


Sandra said...

You are right, I did not read this one yet. I guess it is cause I got up early and was busy doing stuff right away.

Thanks for taking me out for dinner. Got home at the perfect time to just "read" a bit of tv and then tidy up a bit.


beth bennett said...

Thank you SAndra for taking time to visit with us.

It made our day.

We are an odd couple but hopefully we are still lovable.

Happy Canada day!!

Love mom