Monday, June 10, 2019


                                               Yes I am feeling older today after a bad night.

I start out my walk very slowly feeling like I am walking up this big hill.  A young boy passes me.  My eyes fill with tears because he is cripple with a very bad foot.  He is just going a little faster than as he hops and moves forward.  On his back he is wearing a volunteer sing.

He could be at home feeling sorry for himself but he is out in the world helping others.  Three cheers for this young lad.

I came home thankful for what I can do.  I had had many good years.

Then I went to find dad's form for the blood clinic knowing I had out it in a safe place.  But Where?
It was found and he took off expecting more good results.  We are still waiting for the results.

Yes even Kim is getting older.  We celebrated her birthday at home with Carol and Panteli and Ben.

Sandra and Randy also joined us.  Good to be together.

Carol and Panteli are off to Harrison to-morrow.  He has a conference.  Good place to be as the weather gets warmer. 

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Seeing that picture of Ken certainly made me feel older. But then, I am.

My knee has been sore so I have not been doing as many walks at night, but I do my afternoon one at work to stay awake.

Sorry I did not stay long, but had to have some kitten time before going to bed.
