Tuesday, June 4, 2019


                                              We wait, we hope, we plan.  We wait.

Waiting nine months for a baby seemed a long time.  We never knew if it would be a girl or a boy,

Now we wait with Mandy and James for their new little one coming in Sept.

Waiting as a child was always hard as time seemed too slow.  Now it can go too fast.

Waiting for flowers to grow and finally bloom takes time and patience as well as hard work.

Waiting for results of exam tests, or blood tests or x=rays was always hard.
I often expected the wost.  The main thing was to know.

Waiting for family to drive here from Edmonton or Kamloops or Australia was always difficult.
Now we waiting for Mary and the family to come from Wellington, Ontario.Waiting for dad to return from his airplane journeys was difficult.

Waiting for dad to return from his bike rides.  He really enjoys them.

The weather is expected to change.  It was cool and breeze today.

Waiting for pain to stop, physical or emotional or spiritual.  Prayer always helps.

I am feeling much better.  My cough is leaving.

Waiting for answers to prayers not always knowing what is in the mind of others let alone the mysterious mind of God.

                     Let the beauty of nature and the moment capture your heart mind and soul!


beth bennett said...

Waiting for comments?

nancy-Lou said...

waiting does seem to take long when doing particular things, like waiting to see a doctor. We are waiting for our garden to grow. Finally we have had a couple of warm days and the vegetables will start to grow. We have large garden.

How wonderful to hear that more Grandchildren are on the way for Sandra and Randy. You must have a lot of Great Grandchildren now. I just have one Granddaughter. Ken has some Grandchildren and we enjoy them.

Nice photo of Larry coming home with his bike. They don't allow any motorized bikes in the restricted driving cottage area of Victoria Beach. No vehicles either...just taxis and work vehicles, like plumbers. We don't live there. I grew up there though and we reallu like how safe it is for kids. People walk or bike or take a taxi.
Ken is resting and getting ready to go for a kayak. He really enjoys it. He went on an 8 day kayak trip at Haida Gwai ( The Queen Charlotte Islands) and loved it.

I am just about finished planting the flowers. I bought a white Mandevilla plant today and planted it with the red one I had already. I like red and white flower combinations.

I wish I could post a photo of our budgies....we let them out of their cage now and they ithave been staying in the high part of the living room. It is 22 feet. I enticed them to come down by putting their favourite treat on a plate and now they sit on a chair right next to us. They love looking our the widow at the wild birds. Ken made a tray on the window ledge for the wild birds and they are only a few inches on the other side of the budgies.

I am sorry to hear you don;t see the little girls often. I remember what fun you had with them. It is hard for young families to make a go of thing these days.

I think we are going to have so many vegetables we may have to set up a garden stand on the road. Ken is quite the gardener.

It is good to hear that your cough is going away.

I wish you a lovely evening

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Did you see the daog had a leash in his mouth? Nancy
Waiting outside Sar Bucks.

Yes I really miss the girls
they always have fun when they come over and we do to.

Larry has had two very good days.

Got the new printerworking.And a new YFy
radio to work.

Put a new story ohis blog too.

I have planted potatoes in my garden
and a few peas.

I am not a good gardener.

Take care
love beth

Sandra said...

The good thing is even when you are waiting you can still be living, or you should be.

What am I waiting for these days? For my school work to be done! For time off work!

I won't be meeting Mary's new children when she come but I am looking forward to that too.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra
We are too.
Good comments.