Monday, June 24, 2019


         It was good to be driving down the street knowing that home is just around the corner.

Dad had his appointment with the cancer doctor who we had trouble finding because his office had moved.  The office is right in the hospital not across the street where it used to me.  The intern came in and asked dad a few questions and then the doctor came in all smiles.  It appeared that he had made a mistake on our last visit ordering the hormone shot but he did not admit it in so many words.  He seems like a nice enough guy but our feelings have changed because he never answered phone calls or the letter dad sent.

Dad's report is all good and the routine of blood work and appointments will continue.

We left there to go to the other area where our friend Vera is waiting for news about where she will be going next.  They are keeping her pain under control which is good.  Her daughter has arrived from the States so that is cheering her up.  Vera is still full of life and stories and remembers how faithful we were in visiting her home over the last few years.  She is a good friend.

Dad's stomach was bothering him and he felt very tired and just wanted to get home.  We both laid down for naps.

To-morrow it is the family doctor about dad's hip and knee causing him pain.  He also is out of his pain pills which have really helped with the pain at night.

We finally got the time straightened out about his eye appointment which will be later in the early afternoon.  Too bad appointments come on the same day.

Kim is coming over about 4 to do her taxes with dad.  We will make supper together which means I had better go out and buy some vegetables.  Or we can eat out.  It is whatever she wants.

"I believe that we have been given sufficient stress, crisis, complexity and consciousness to do the things that are just beyond our imagination."  Jean Houston.  I would like to believe this but it is a challenge!

Our power was out for a while but now is back on.

It is so good to be home and just relax.


Sandra said...

That is strange to have your power out at this time of the year, maybe they are doing building nearby. And I am always very happy to come home! Even these days when I have renegade kittens running all over the place. Until all at once they stop and you have 5 kittens sleeping on you or beside you.

A lot of appointments to keep straight, you could almost make do with a secretary.


beth bennett said...

So true Sandra.

Glad they are now over.

Love mom