Thursday, September 23, 2021


I think it is a good idea to set goals so you have something to aim for.
It is good to put some thought into your goals for the day.

This morning we had several goals we wanted to achieve.
But sadly both dad and I were low on energy.

The day before dad had been busy pruning some of our big bushes,
He takes a lot off and it looks sad.
O well I say I might as well grin and bear it
I know it will grow back.

Today was garbage day and dad started to take the blue box out the garbage man even though he was on the other side of the road came and took it out for him.
So many kind people in this world.

We are learning to accept change and take help when it is offered.

I like what Rumi says, "the day you were born a ladder was set up to help you escape from worldly sorrow and despair."
For me prayer is like that ladder that inspires me to do better.
Growing older is a challenge but a time to seek out inner mysteries that give us wisdom and grace,



Sandra said...

Hmm, kind of dread coming over to see what dad has done. I think I will come tomorrow afternoon but we will sit outside as I don't want you to catch my cold

Steady-as-rain said...

It will grow back, probably better than ever!

Nice the garbage fellows came back across the street to get the blue box from Dad.

I have been seeing the eye doctor lady here in Kamloops. She is sending me on to an inner ear person, which is probably the source of the problem.

I am struggling on.

I tried to call yesterday but the phone seemed to be turned off. I will try again tomorrow.

