Thursday, September 2, 2021


How precious is the moment when your new little one is placed in your arms and your husband smiles into your eyes and you know your love has produced this 
 new gift of love!

Happy Birthday Sandra.
It was an exciting time when you were born and we moved from the shack into a brand new home.
Each child adds to the special family we have become.
Life was full of promise!

We look forward to celebrating your birthday along 
 with Tasha, Leah and Ophelia s's birthdays on the 6th
Your home is a warm and welcoming place for this.

I will be resting lots so I can enjoy this special day. 

Yesterday we were very worried about Sara's daughter being tested for the virus but thankful she is okay.

We hd plans to go shopping, or for dad to go shopping, for presents.

Dad was not having a good day.

We are finding plans have to change and we have to adapt to getting older and weaker.

"Those you deeply love become a part of you"
Especially children and grand children and great grandchildren.
We learn to values the gifts each one brings into our family!.

We all benefit from being loved!



Anonymous said...

Thank you, and I am glad to hear you are resting up for the big do on the 6th!


Ken Bennett said...

Rest up. How is dad feeling with his new medicine?
PS Tylers Birthday today

Steady-as-rain said...

Rest is good.

Good news about no covid in Sara"s family.
