Saturday, September 4, 2021


The grass is still green
but not for long.

I had a bad day on Friday and it wasn't even Friday the 13th.

I sat waiting by the phone for for phone appointment with Dr. Nolte..
This upsets me.
Sandra is going to make one.

The rest of the day was crappy.
I had bad stomack aches.

Dad went to the store to get salads and cold meat for supper.

He also surprised me with some lovely flowers.

Sara did not come as her daughter is still not well.

I am happy today is Saturday.
It is my favorite day.

I pick a mystery with some romance in it.

Romance is important at any age.


Sandra said...

Yes, your appointment in on the 17th at 1:50, I sent dad the info.

I am sorry your tummy was upset, hope today is better.

Cleaning up getting ready for Cameron and Shandel.


Anonymous said...

It's fathers day today. I'm not expecting any gifts as the kids have been in lockdown for about 6 weeks now.
We went to our local Costco on Friday,(Melina Jasmine and I )and when we got there it was closed due to a local covid scare. Jasmine convinced us to drive 30 mins into the city to the next closest store. It was pouring with rain the car was hydroplaning all over the road, I had a migraine so I was not driving. Melina did a good job. The city was flooded with many roads closed. Anyway, we got our 60 rolls of toilet paper and 500 paper plates so all's well that ends well. LOL little adventure and the guy at the shop quizzed us as we were 25km from home and are still only allowed to travel 5km!
Anyway cold and wet week ahead after some nice hot days last week.

Steady-as-rain said...

Hopefully Sara will be back on Monday.

Sorry about the tummy troubles. Hope you found a good mystery to read.



Very dramatic out in Australia.