Tuesday, November 2, 2021


I want to find guidance
that admits my needs and vulnerabilities and also
expresses a gratitude towards life
that brings me joy.

I will take it a day at a time.

So I will read and look for answers.
Pat's husband John sent me some information on a study he was doing.
Yes so what I am looking for is a deeper awareness that comes with faith.
It is done on line and I would find that hard to know.
Yes I do not know any of the others
so I will pass for now.

FAITH is a gift we can all receive 
It can be emotional and ineffable
but it can also be a reasonable and intelligent choice.
 Faith has brought me great joy/1

Sad to see the park a mess from the fire works and the little book place destroyed.
It will be built again I believe.

I had a walk with my old friend Joeanne .
She likes Greek food and we will go out to-getter one day soon.
I stumbled along trying to keep up.

After arriving home I put the leaves that Laura racked up into bags.
Dad really cleaned things up with the blower.

 "Life is not just what we see on the outside
but what goes on deep within our hearts  and minds and souls."
I need guidance to express what I feel positive about.



Steady-as-rain said...

Sorry the tiny library got destroyed. Next year spenser will have to be the guard dog.

I still haven't started the staring exercises yet, but I will.

Not looking forward to winter, but at least I don't have to drive to work!



Sandra said...

Why do you need guidance? I think your blog over the years has done a very good job of balancing reality and joy. After all, even the bible says there is a time for every season. A forced jolliness in the face of trials would be more depressing to me then hearing the truth. Times can suck, be hard and take every once of strength to just get out of bed, let alone put on a happy face and jump out of bed singing a happy tune.


Catherine G said...

You are already wise and intuitive, Beth.
But maybe you, like me, are missing the strength and guidance of our church communities.
God feely gives more wisdom to all who ask. James 1:5
Special grace for special times.