Sunday, November 14, 2021


Spenser knows the way to the park and is not happy when I cut our walk short and head home.
He looks at me as if to say "do you know where you are going?"
Yes I was feeling weary and was happy to spend the afternoon watching football with dad.
We remember the times we went to the games in Regina.
We had several layers of warm clothing on.

We have come a long way since then.

Christians were first called "People of the  way"
This was a way of mocking them.

Jesus invites us to follow his way of truth and light. 
A way that inspires and transforms all who walk with him,

Today Spenser and I will walk and the only other plan is to pick up our pack of vitamins.
and shop for a few things,

I  am a tender hearted human being who needs rest and kindness
and nurture along the way.

I think Jesus asks us if we know the way we are headed.



Steady-as-rain said...

Glad you cut your walk a little short rather than falling in the street again.

I summoned up enough energy to go to the grocery store this morning. Now I am over-heated. But can rest now for a while.



Shandel said...

Daisy looks at us sometimes like that. When she doesn't get her way of what direction we go or how long. Sometimes she will look at us like can we go this way? Lol I often give in to her. She loves it. We have snow today. Thinking it might stick around now. Happy Sunday to you. I made a big pot of minestrone soup. It turned out wonderful.

beth bennett said...

Your soup sounds great. I would love to taste it.

Very very wet today.

We are meeting Morgan on her way to home.

No worries about supper!

Love grama

Sandra said...

It would take a dog having to be walked to get us out in the rain today. We did go last night but skipped today.


Ken Bennett said...

We continue to have cold and wet weather. I went to the golf course. to see if they had clubs for sale yesterday, but it was closed. Maybe the course was too wet. The puppy vomited on my bed,I took my doona and quilt to the laundromat. Nice and clean and fresh smelling now.