Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Hearing about all the tragedy of people becoming homeless
made me stop and think how fortunate to have safe and warm homes.
I can only imagine the deep sense of lose so many are feeling.

Then there are those who were swept off the road down into a gully.

Hearing how people have reached out to help gives me a good sense of  faith in our humanity.

This reminded me of the non profit group that started building homes for the home less.
It was called Habitat for Humanity,
A very rich man found that money did not bring happiness but helping others did.
Thousands of unskilled workers helped,

My mind also went to Jesus who had no home and was born in a stable,
There is a message for us in knowing he was a real baby with caring parents,

Home helps me to feel safe and protected especially when the weather is stormy.

I am glad Ken's puppy found it's way home.



Sandra said...

There is no place like home! All these disasters sure make me wonder what will hit us next.


Steady-as-rain said...

Nice photograph of Spenser.

Human kindness is always there, waiting for a chance to get out and do some work. Just needs some help somedays.

Snowing here in Kamloops.

I am busy at work. I often feel over-heated and can feel my face getting red. It is my new early warning system that I am getting worn out.



Shandel said...

So incredibly grateful for our home as well. I am grateful for those who help other and when I am able to do the same.