Monday, November 22, 2021


I have had a feeling I was forgetting something,

Very sorry daughter dear,
The muffins you made for me were delicious!
The best so far!
I smile   every time I eat them,

I was sorry when Jane phoned today because I had not phoned her last week,
She had been in the hospital again with stomach problems,

We were late for my appointment today and I was sorry about that,
Dad had stomach problems when it was time to leave.
I was sorry I got annoyed with him.

I am very thankful Carol met us and went to see the hearing doctor with me.
I am trying to be hopeful knowing these are a bit better ones.
I have two weeks to try them out.
They are only turned up to a small higher tone so I get used to them.

I am sorry the other ones did not work out.

I come home feeling like a sorry mess,

All this thinking tires me out,

I was thankful Carol bought me some G,F. goodies,

We also had a nice talk to Kim.

Carol is hopeful they,  her and Oliver, can visit her at Christmas,
Oliver will be going to Mexico to surf for a month,

I hope Ken has a good report with his skin cancer doctor.
First it was dad. then Rick, and now Carol,

Everyone I know has problems,
We try to learn from our mistakes
even when we make the same ones over and over again,

I am thankful that transformation is possible,
I am on the right road but just not there yet.

I am sorry my library books are over due but I will take them back to-morrow,



Sandra said...

Maybe if Dad's having more delays because of digestive issues you should accept offers for someone else to drive.

I will have to call you today to see if you can hear me better on the phone.


Shandel said...

I hope the hearing aids benefit you and you are able to get used to them easily. It will be life changing I'm sure to hear better. I was sorry I forgot I had requested a book at the library and didn't go get it.

Ken Bennett said...

My skin dr called in sick , so my appointment was cancelled. I have an appointment next Monday. Matthew home from school again today. In his class nearly half the students are home sick with covid or quarantining after a test. There is also a headache virus going around.Headache and dizzy .
I hope your new hearing aids work out. Ken