Monday, July 11, 2022


we love spending time with grandchildren and great grandchildren.

I love sitting out in our back yard,

I am thankful that I am not feeling stressed or over worked or anxious.

Dad and I are having a quiet day with two fans going.

I had a walk in the morning when it was still cool.

I have felt a bit tired so 
Dr. Nolte is ordering some blood work and a urine test.
He thinks it is a good idea.

I do what I can when I feel like it.  I am thankful Laura does the heavy cleaning.

I am thankful I am a Christian
who believes in a God of love.

I feel that I am secure in His love
I feel happy healthy holy.
I feel that the Holy Spirit is flowing within me when I become quiet and peaceful.

We have been blessed with a wonderful family.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely 4 generation photo of you and your family Beth.
We are working in our garden this afternoon. Getting ready for a hot hot week coming up. Plus 30’s.
Ken is staking tomatoes and I am dead heading. We have lettuce and tomatoes and broccolini so far. Going to have a bumper crop of potatoes. 16 large bags. Easy grow. Ken just picks up the bag, dumps it in the wheel barrow and we ‘dig’ for potatoes. No bending over to the ground and no accidentally slicing them with a pitch fork.
Our fruit garden is doing well. The Hascaps are bearing fruit. Second year for them. Raspberries are really doing well. Should be lots. Both golden and black.
We eat the strawberries in the garden. Lol. They don’t make it into the house.
Our new dog, Bella is finally starting g to relax. She was a nervous Nelly and rightly so. She went thru so much in the 3 months she was relinquished by the pet mill. Poor girly. She was scared if everything. Luckily she is very gentle. She has started to play now, at age 8. She likes the yard now. A beautiful dog.
Can you imagine what she went thru in almost 8 years at a very bad puppy mill, having puppies. Well she has her retirement home with us. Forever.
Wishing you and Larry a lovely day.
Love, Nancy