Thursday, July 21, 2022



It is always so great to see the girls again.

I am not writing in the morning as I need to take Spenser for his walk while it is still cool. I still need to rest after.  A little work in the garden and doing laundry and the day flies by.

I have lived a long and a good life.
What has been important has been my marriage, my family. my home and my friends.
My faith in a higher power has helped me through difficult times.
I believe it is important to be thankful and positive.

I believe we all deserve to live a good life.

Jesus called it the abundant life.
I have been given so much
I understand Hamlet and Kim and Alba are still here.

They are having a wonderful visit

There is a reason I am still here.

If something bugs me I am learning to get over it
and not waste energy wishing it was different.

I tell myself to be flexible and go with the flow. 

I want to still feel creative even if it is just on my blog.

Or cleaning out my closet again.



Sandra said...

I am waiting till later to go for my evening walk, but still is very warm.
It is always so quiet and boring after everyone leaves.
I will check and see if I have enough airmails to fly out Stephen and Shawna and all.

Shandel said...

We have been walking in the evening after the sun goes down. I have a long weekend with Mon and Tues off. Happy birthday to us, grandma!

Ken Bennett said...

We are going to get a desk from Ikea for Matthews room. Its his birthday on Thursday and we bought him a new computer.Matthew has been placed in advanced english , much to his displeasure. He was happy in the normal class with his mates. Sunny but cold today.