Saturday, September 3, 2011


Today we celebrate Tyler's birthday over in North Van. with Susan and Keith.  It is also a celebration for Leah.  We are enjoying our time with Tyler and Kim and we know they are having fun too.

There is a contagious joy just being with children.  They have so much fun doing the simplest things.
I believe that however the world was created it was with joy.  Even in poor countries children are a joy to their families.

One of the hardest things in life is to see children suffering.  Suffering puts us in touch with what is really important and calls us to make sacrifices out of the abundance that we have been given in life.
Doing my best to do what is right brings me a sense of peaceful joy.

What you are becoming is more important than what you can do.  This is so hard for us to really believe.  Joy is the gift of appreciation of life, of the moment, of freedom to be myself. My strength comes from the "Joy of the Lord" as I start the day with prayer.

It is so true that it is the ordinary, the everyday, the material that connects us with the spiritual.

Moses is drawn to an ordinary bush that is on fire and yet it does not burn away.  I would think that as he draws nearer in fascination and wonder he hears the Lord speak his name.  He feels inadequate for the mission he is being asked to do and yet he has been chosen.  The Spirit of God goes with him and gives him power and authority and his brother Aaron is his voice.

Everyday there are small things that we can do differently that help us find deeper happiness.
Joy comes from the struggle and from the hands that reach out to help us.

Happy Birthday Tyler.  I will take a better picture today.


Anonymous said...

9 is pretty late to be going to bed in my books. Hope you had a good sleep. Katie and I went for a good long walk this morning, my pain is a lot better at night. Sandra

Shandel said...

Beth, it is so true about what you said regarding the children in poor countries. when i was in Nepal in 09 we had the opportunity to spend a good deal of time with the street people of Kathmandu. The literally have nothing and yet we give them a blown up balloon and they went crazy wild for them. seeing them laugh and play with balloons and bubble was the most precious thing to see....children are gifts....:)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for having them mom , i know it a lot of work for you.

nancy-Lou said...

Morgan is as "bright as a button".....another appealing and creative pic have the eye for it! So glad you are having wonderful visits with your family. My husband us really suffering pain....he is waiting for hip replacement surgery....getting old is not all it is cracked up to be! Hope you and Larry feel less pain and find more energy. Prayers for you.