Friday, September 2, 2011


Here Kim and Tyler fixed us a very healthy dinner with a vegetable bake and salads.  I am letting
people do as much of their own cooking as they want.  It is a help yourself especially as we get up at different hours and our hungry at odd times.

Today Dad is driving Sandra to the airport as she flys off to Edmonton. I will go along for the ride.

 The rest of us go next Thursday.   Tyler is taking off to do the town with Leah and Craig this afternoon.  I feel better knowing that they will be together as there probably are parts of town
 where it is not wise to go. 

Tomorrow we will be celebrating birthdays again at Susan's house over in North Van.  To-morrow is Tyler's birthday celebrating 23 years.  Leah's birthday actually is on the 5th. 

Yesterday the children and I where up early, Ben and Morgan had slept over, and we went for a walk, they mostly ran to the Boundary Park to see the ducks.  Kim went out to look for us but thought we had gone to the park.  After some shopping Kim took them back to Chilliwack, where Ben had a friend coming over.  It was a cool day.

This is first thing in the morning they are busy happy and doing their own thin

Ben runs on ahead! Yes they wait at all the corners

That is what is happening here.

I am reminded that we are here where we are by the grace of God!O


Anonymous said...

I saw via KATKAM , that the sun did come out later in the day . Looks like fine weather for the next week. Warm but windy here, going to cut grass at Nonna's today.

beth bennett said...

Goodn you. That must be quite a job.
Cool here in the mornings but perfect in the afternoon.

I should do some work in the yard but am having a hard time being motivated.

samdra looked lovely this morning as we took her to the airport.

love mom