Monday, September 12, 2011


I was so looking forward to our drive through the mountains and just to get away from the little "molehills" that I make into mountains in my life.  Last minute plans were naturally changing as they would do getting everyone organized for our trip tp Edmonton, to celebrate another exciting milestone in the life of our grandchildren.

From the moment they were born through all the ups and downs of their lives there have been many things to clebrate.  Graduations, new jobs, changing of locations, new great grandbabies, along with birthdays and holiday celebrations.

I knew that once we arrived at Stephen and Shawna's home they would be busy making everything perfect for our visit and the visit of the 5 cousins that had changed from 7 to 5.  I was very concerned about Sandra doing too much and sure enough I arrived to see her ankle all bandaged up and Shawna's mom Sue putting ice on it.  She had fallen and had been in pain ever since.

I was confident that Theresa and all the grand children in her van would arrive safely but I still asked the church to pray.  I was so thankful to see them arrive at Stephen's all tired and sweating from the hot drive.  Craig had started the drive as they had left in the dark and Theresa like me does not do well driving in the dark.  They had enough room that they could take turns lieing down on the way but I do not know of anyone of them that actually slept.

Tyler seems to travel well and looked happy and not too tired.  Leah still having pain from her car accident, one could see the pain on her face.

Kim is soon her happy and energetic self.

Dad nd I had enjoyed a leasurely drive with a stop and a visit with Rick in Kamloops.  He was the last of our group to arrive along with Mary and Michael John who live in Edmonton.

Sandra and Shawna did a wonderful job loading the tables with food and arranging chairs, decorations and we where greeted with loving joy.

Dad and I where tired but excited and so happy to see everyone.

We were impressed with Stephen's home, perfect in every way.  A very homey home.  Randy had arrived to help finished putting in the downstairs bathroom where the kids would be sleeping.  Walls had been re plastered and painted so everything was ready.  They all seemed busy and happy to be doing it and worked well together.

Dad and I were just happy to sit around and watch and be waited on.  We were very well looked after!

I am feeling exhausted this morning after we drove 12 hours home yesterday but am thinking of those who will be off to work this morning.  What good sports they all were!  Tyler will be on his long trip home to Brisbane.  He was a joy to visit with and fit is perfectly.

The wedding was beautiful of course and we know that there will be lots of challenges for the young couple but now they are in that romantic glow of love.

To share the joy of others is to experience a moment on the Mountain Top


Anonymous said...

I was almost thinking you had driven that far you might stop by and see your brother on the way home, but I guess it would be hard to convice dad of that. Hope there was enough to eat for you and theresa, I was just hoping you would bring your own essentials as I ran out of time and energy to make somthing seperate for you. Hope all that driving was worth it. I know Stephen as well as Cameron and Mary were very excited to have you and dad come and see where they live. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Lovely pictures Beth. Hearimg of all the love and happiness amongst your family warms my heart. So many families are not close and don't see each other much at all. Isn't that a beautiful drive.....we have done it for 22 years, usually in January and from Winnipeg to Vancouver Island.... and back in March. It always leaves me awe struck. Glad the trip went well.