Tuesday, September 13, 2011


The happy groom surrounded by his cousins looking very pleased with himself !  Everyone was having fun/

Dad was full of energy and ideas and as we started our trip in a leisurely manner.  His feet did not bother him but his eyes felt sore and his hip a little painful until he moved around a bit.

Dad had planned a stop at the Quilichena Hotel, built in 1908,  just out of Merit where we stopped for a delicious lunch on the patio.  The whole trip was like a drive back in time.  We had stayed there many years ago for one night on our way to Calgary.  We enjoyed the colorful garden and the birds flying by and I for one was happy to be on the ground.  I have flown to Calgary with dad but it was always a fearful experience for me.  I do not like heights so that may explain it. 

I had a beet salad one of my favorites and dad had a cowboy sized hamburger,

We took our time and I took pictures of course.

We drove along the sparkling waters of the river and stopped just to walk and enjoy the fresh air and the beauty,

I was starting to feel calm and relaxed and finally put the worry that I had not closed the garage door out of my mind.  Usually I always wonder if I have left the iron on or the stove.  I think it is just the fact of letting go that comes out in silly worries.

I breathed in deeply and felt young and alive.  I was not a daughter or mother or grandmother or even a friend I was just me.  I was thankful that over the years I had found the strength to meet the challenges of being in these roles.  I was one of those people who wanted an easy life but came to realize that in the struggle there comes growth.  More than once I wished there was another way.  How would I learn to be forgiving if there was no offense in my life?  Love grows when we learn to love the unlovable qualities in ourselves and in our loved ones.
Spiritual life for those who read the scripture began in a garden and I think that that was a good beginning.  As I get older the body does creek and groan a bit but I am finding that I am gathering happy memories to fill the basket of my life with lasting happiness.

This vase reminds me of the one I have that came over from England with my dad,

As we climbed with renewed energy into the car my thoughts and prayers where with those who were getting ready for our visit and for those grouping in Chilliwack to start out there trip following on the main highway.  We were headed to Kamloops next.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the sounds of it you will be writing more about your drive? I guess I am always in too much of a rush these days, I hope one day I will feel like I can just slow down and enjoy the journey rather then needing to get some where right away.