Sunday, September 4, 2011


Happy but tired after a night on the town and too much MacDonald's.

Before we set out to hint down the birthday celebrities I went on a hunt for Vegemite.  I went to three different stores and had wonderfully helpful people looking with me.  Evidently I went to all the wrong places and came home with "horrors of horrors" marmite which is totally different.

It was a learning experience and I am happy I made the effort.  Susan have a very modern home full of light and there was lots to catch up on with everyone.  We had a wonderful roast beast dinner with yorkshire pudding and two little cakes, actually three one for me too, with candles for Leah and Tyler.
Afterwards the young, but a year older and wiser, young folks where off to Richmond to the mid-night market.  Sounds like a fun place for the energetic young at heart.

We took longer getting to North Van. because of road work.  It will be great when it is finished but it is causing a lot of traffic hassel right now.  We where more than happy to come home, watch a little T.V. and off to bed.

I was glad I had enjoyed my early morning walk becaue it helps me think and pray and map out my day.  I am hoping it will help both my body and mind which need all the help it can get.  Everything slows down as we get older and it is hard to accept at times.  If one part of the body is free of pain aches and pains hit another area. 

I am glad to be able to keep moving.

There is a time to be silent and meditate and listen and there is a time to be moving and active and let new directions for the day come into your thoughts.

Thanks Susan and Keith for an enjoyable visit.

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