Saturday, September 24, 2011


I enjoyed the time dad and I had with the great-grandchildren in the Water Shed woods.  I have had a very hard time admitting that I do not have the energy to keep up with them.  It would have been a lot for me to have them over-night but in my heart I did want to do it. 

It was good the children were so happy and excited to go to Auntie Sandie/s house.  Actually great auntie.  It is sad to let go of things you have enjoyed doing.  I have always enjoyed children.

Morgan and I find some blackberries.
Ben enjoys climbing and exploring.

Morgan is still for a moment.
even grandpa is on the move.

Grandpa was the one who came home and had a short power nap.  I was exhausted when we got home from Sandra's where we left her and the two children snuggled on the couch to watch a movie.

Children grow up so fast and I realize more now than ever the importance of childhood and the things I have learnt that have been the biology of my belief about myself, others and my world and were I fit in .


Anonymous said...

Well Ben sure seemed to enjoy that big stick he found!


nancy-Lou said...

What an adventurous day for everyone.
The pics were great, Beth. What lovely kids.....they must have had lots of fun exploring.