Tuesday, September 27, 2011


As I turn on my light in my computer room I will soon hear my neighbor Cathy's car starting and I know she is off to work.  She looks up at my window and knows all is well I am on my computer.  She came over to check on us when we were away because she had missed my light.

We are not always aware of the light we bring into the lives of others but we all do!

I like to try to use my journals to be a source of light even on the days that are dull and dark.

Yesterday as I went out the door, rain pants on and all, to walk with my friend Gundy the rain felt gentle and refreshing on my face; but as we turned the corner on our walk the rain came pelting down and it was miserably cold.  It was good to open the door to the warmth and light of home.

On the radio as dad and I got ready for bed they were talking about kindles and I cannot imagine a world without book stores and libraries.  I love going into both.  There is nothing like opening the first page of a book not knowing want you will find written in the words there.

I suppose I write about a lot of the same things; my family, my friendships, learning even in aging, the joy I find in writing and reading, the struggles of staying on my diet in the desire to stay healthy, and at times the feelings of self-doubt.  I know that I am not alone in my experiences.

Today dad is off to the skin doctor in White Rock.  I may go with him to do some visiting and shopping at Choices and drop some books off at the book drop off there.  First I will head out for a walk and enjoy seeing the light coming to start this new day.

I had candles ready yesterday in case the power went off but although it did get windy it was not as bad as in some places.

I am thankful for the light that the words and actions Jesus brings into my daily existance!


Anonymous said...

lost another one, comments are going up too slow, or I am leaving the page too fast. Anyways, I was out in the pouring rain walking yesterday too, and got to come home to Randy for a change, though he was working midnights so he had to go to bed right away.

nancy-Lou said...

Ah, light...now what is that lovely children's hymn about the light...hmmmmm we had such a gorgeous day..real autumn with golden leaves and the sun lighting them up like Christmas lights. May Jesus shine his light for everyone.

Anonymous said...

I haven't tried a Kindle yet. Maybe I'm afraid to.

