Friday, May 10, 2019


An old picture found.
We have had to make many adjustments over the years.
Drove to beach on our way to visit Kim and Hamlet.
So many wonderful memories of the children and us at this beach.
Kim and Hamlet provide an excellent meal for us with barbecue salmon. done just right.
Carol is keeping busy doing volunteer work and Panteli working at the college.
Both are taking lawn bowling and golf lessons and busy gardening.

Ben has the good news that he has made the final cut for the soccer team.
He has worked hard and put his heat and soul into it.
Morgan will be performing at a dance competition.  She loves to dance.
Theresa enjoying freedom from her studies. 
Kim will be at the open house on Sat. with the children she has been volunteering with.
Back to class on Monday.
Hamlet has been learning to drive a gear shift.
Sandra and Randy still feeding kittens.

Tasha will be spending mother's day watching Justice in his basketball tourament in Surrey.

We are finding that as we grow older there are many new adjustments to be made.  We have slowed down.

My emotions have been up and down over the last few months but I have now adjusted and am coming into a period of grace!  I was mad at God and the whole world that but  this prevented God.s healing presence from filling me with peace and security.

I am thankful that my angry feelings are done.

Some memories are best forgotten.

"Conscience (the inner voice with us) is the deepest secret of our vitality."
Jean Vanier

Thank you for the mother's day card Rick with all the kind words!


beth bennett said...

sorry said tennis instead of golf.

Steady-as-rain said...

I agree: some memories are best forgotten.

I'm glad the Mother's Day card made it on time!

I am still very weak and will just be staying home this weekend. but the cough is slightly better.



Sandra said...

looking forward to Sunday, but need to get my school work done first.

Randy is working today so that makes it a bit easier to buckle done and do my work.


beth bennett said...

Rick. I hope you keep improving.


beth bennett said...

Dad wants to forget too!