Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Happy birthday to all the boys in May!  Chris, Cameron, and Justice!  !  !  Many memories!
No we have not seen Chris in years.
A picture off of Craig's phone.
 Many surprises.

Dad was invited to watch a hockey game on a big screen in Langley with Glen and his son Cole and Shawn Tavia's husband.  He was picked up by Cole who has grown to be a very handsome young man who took care to make sure dad did not have to walk too far when they arrived at the sports center.

Cole dropped him off at the door and they went up the elevator together.  They entered a big room  full of round table with round tables.  Glen offered to get dad some food from the smorgasbord but dad was not hungry.  They had a great conversation together while the other tables filled up.  Once the game appeared on the screen they stood and sang the national anthem with great enthusiasm.  

The game was between Prince Albert and Vancouver.  The cheering was loud and boisterous.  They yelled at the players and at the referees just as it they could hear.  The crowd was a mixture of families and a mixture of girls and boys.

Dad had a great time and was thrilled to be asked.  He had played in Prince Albert many times in his youth.

Today, Tuesday, we were surprised to have a visit from Craig and the girls.  They came right in and started looking for toys.

They both are adorable and we just love having them stop by but we realize that Craig and Leah are busy working.  They need more days off.
Craig is busy thinking about being a Green Party candidate.  What an honor.
They play well together until they want the same toy.  

Being a greatgrandma is a lot of fun!

                                                  It made the dull day full of sunshine!  !  !

May brings April showers which are very much needed.


Sandra said...

I take it that is an old picture of Christopher, did any one see him on his birthday?

Randy and I started our walk yesterday after dinner looking at the sky and deciding not to take an umbrella, what we should have done is look behind us.

No surprises good or bad for us, just another day like any other day.


beth bennett said...

No that is an updated picture of Chris.
It mat have been at Susan's
No surprises today.

Love mom

Shandel said...

Cameron receieve your card and forgot to mention and say thank you when he called on mothers day. I hope your received my late mothers day card. Lol sorry it was late!!! We are getting lots of rain now. Spring is moving in. Beautiful photos.

beth bennett said...

No card yet.

Nice to talk to Cameron.

Love gramma

Shandel said...

Well I just spoiled the late surprise !