Saturday, May 4, 2019


What a beautiful old heritage house on Arthur drive !  Beautiful grounds with lots of flowers.

The trouble was we may have been at the wrong place but when we phoned Kim we found it was the wrong Sat.  Next week the place where she works will be having an open house.  We will not be square we will be there!

We wet around to a big barn in the back and walked in and joined a funeral service.  We were welcomed and invited to stay but we left after making apologies.

The day before we had driven to White Rock to visit my elderly friend in the Nursing Home.  She glows with happiness when she seems me.  She did not have a good week as she had two teeth pulled and I was so glad I had taken the time to come. She was very interested in the story of Sandra's kittens.  She loves cats too. She also appreciates that dad had driven me.

We left there and went to the White Spot where I left my purse behind but thankfully did not drive all the way before I noticed it.

Friday night neither dad or I had a good sleep.  I was having scary dreams and dad was worried about me so he could not sleep.  This has been difficult for him.

I wake up to a new day pleased to be up and make coffee and set off for a walk.  A bit brisk.  The day continued with making meals and cleaning up messes, doing some vacuuming, and walking over to the store before we left for a pleasant drive to Ladner.

Dad had been busy sand papering and varnishing the logs in the back yard.  We should have taken a before and after picture.

Church in the morning a safe place to feel the healing presence of God's grace.

We all need touches of healing at time because we can all be wounded by life.

Rick did you watch Heartbeat?  very sad.


Anonymous said...

Yes no rest for me. After tonight (sunday) I have five days off. I may come in Monday or Tuesday for overtime ??? maybe.. what was ur ancestry ??? u didn't say ?

Sandra said...

Dad has no time to sit idle with you making all these plans. I will have to keep that in mind for once we retire. I had another bank meeting and to give him more information and now we wait another 2 weeks to get the results of everything.

It just makes my head hurt. It is not as easy as it sounds to sit down and assign all the money you spend in a month to categories.

Got most of my school work done yesterday so will be able to help Randy with the garage today.


beth bennett said...

See you later Sandra and Randy.


My ancestory was European 99%

English, Scottish, Wales 27%

Central Amerian 1%

Dad was mostly Scottish and Irish and Wales.

I will have to ask him about the rest.

Must get ready for chirch!

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, I did watch Heartbeat. Yes, it was very sad. It seems strange watching it all over again from the start after watching the last five years of it so closely. I don't think I ever saw any of the original first season.

