Wednesday, May 29, 2019


We continue to learn through all our experiences.

Our family is a family of continuous learners.
Carol is off to school in Boston!

I am off to my study group at church to read about the experiences of those in scripture who have seen angels.  Abraham recognized the three men who stood near his tent as angels and believed one of them was actually God.  A God of the Old Testament who destroyed the wicked is ancient belief.  Your God or Gods could protect you from evil and and having one God was unique.

It is always fun to be with my group.  Lots of good story tellers. Lots of difference experiences.

The Biblical stories have been passed down through many generations by word of mouth to begin with.  The history of a nation was defined by the myths and stories of each generation.  It gave people meaning and moral truth that often was told through tough experiences.  These tales would give them courage and faith in times of diversity.  A tribe with a history and an identity and a religion.

Christians, Jews and Muslims all go back to the story of Abraham and Shara.

Each culture views it differently with differing experiences.

We are influence by our family and our community.

As the life of Abraham and Lot reveal to us in their experiences.

Abraham lied to protect his own life and let his wife Sarah be taken into the harem of the Pharaoh.
His deceit was exposed and she was returned

Lot was willing to give his daughters away to protect his life.
The angels saved the family.

This weak man had been called by God into a covenant relationship with a belief in one God, the father of all!

A difficult lesson to study but it helped to come together to read it with fresh eyes!

God is faithful even when we are not.


Sandra said...

I don't know how I miss things, but oh well.
I can't wait for Carol to get home as I bought her a late birthday present!


beth bennett said...

It is okay Sandra
We just found out.
I am sure she will love her birthday present.

Justice's birthday to-morrow.

Love mom