Friday, May 24, 2019


 Driving home from Carol and Panteli's after having supper with them.

Haiti is always excited to see us too!
 Yes Nancy we are enjoying the good life with family and friends.  We do have our good days and the odd not so good but I am sure thy happens to all of us.  Dad rides his bike most days and I do my morning walk every day.  We try to go out somewhere every day.  There always things that need to be done here but we do not hurry with anything.  We look after one another and share the cleaning and washing up.  Dad is cooking us scrambled eggs right now.

I hope Sandra will be able to help in the garden this week-end if it is sunny.

Carol has us over several times a week for supper where we visit with Kim and Ben and sometimes Sandra joins us.  Kim makes sure I get lots to eat.

Our old neighbor Cathy is going to take us out for lunch on Sat., she is a very thoughtful and kind person.  She joined us for a family celebration a few months ago and I think she would like to do that again.  There is only her and her mom now.

I am reminded how important each day is because you never know what is around the corner.
We have to work out problems the best way we can for us all.

Sunday Morgan has a dance recital in Chilliwack which we will be attending with Carol and Panteli.

Sunday morning our church has been invited to attend their church as some of us will be joining them when ours closes.  We have such dear friends there no one is looking forward to the change ahead.

In the past few months I have been encouraged o ask myself what I have learn ed and how can I grow stronger with the love that my family gives to me daily and also our friends.

I have done a lot of reading and it helps to see how others cope.

Prayer and writing in my journal has been very healing for me!


Sandra said...

Sounds like the golden years still have some golden moments for you despite all of the negative reviews of aging.


beth bennett said...

Hi Sandra

Nothing is achieved without effort.

The biggest [artis to accept what you cannpt do

Another raininy day. Yuk.

Love mom