Monday, May 13, 2019


Thank you Ken and Rick for your phone calls that I listened to after we got back from Chillawack.

Thank you Randy for driving us to patiently through the traffic jam.

A bad accident on the highway going into town stopped all traffic and the cars came across the divide onto our road and cause a huge traffic jam.  It took over two hours instead of one hour.

Thanks Sandra for the card and promising help in my garden.
                                             Wow is that our daughter.

Thanks Kim for the cookies.
Thanks Carol for the flowers that are coming.
                                                                 Thanks Ben and Moran for running up and down stairs and for the rhubarb desert!
Nice to see everyone.


Five of us all packed into Randy's car!

We all all young in heart.

We love to party, laughing and talking.

We love to garden, to read books and to help others!

We buy things we do not need and we end up with clutter.
Theresa is leading the way and uncluttered.

We love to eat and sometimes overdo it.

We are learning together.

We value the star dust that is hidden in us all.

Love has keep us together and revels we are all just human.
                                     I am so proud and thankful for each one of you.


Sandra said...

I am glad that we were able to drive and did continue on even though at one point turning around seemed our best bet. Another lesson learned, ALWAYS check the traffic before heading east on HWY 1.

I of course got a lot of comments on my hair at work. It is funny because I have been thinking about cutting my hair all off for quite a while so it just seems normal, but others comment on being brave or what ever. I was just really at a point where no matter what I did it could not look worse!

I am hoping for lots of rain Saturday and Sunday so I get all my homework done and then sunshine so I can work in your garden.


beth bennett said...

Yes SandraI am needing some help
It is very over growen.
very dangerous.

love mom

Shandel said...

Wonderful gathering! Happy mothers day to you all!

Shandel said...

Is Sandy's hair a short pixie cut? It almost looks like its tied up. Beautiful and I agree with Sandy, cutting it off just feels good sometimes and hair will grow back.