Saturday, May 25, 2019


                                          Nothing is achieved with out effort.  Every  in the golden years.

Sometimes it means taking a nap.
There is a reason there are 24 hours in a day
7 days in a week.

Sometimes it means asking for help
while making suggestions
or maybe not.

Taking time out to do something fun.
Like watching kittens play.
Talking to neighbors.
going out for lunch with an old friend,

Taking medicine when needed for pain.

It is perfectly acceptable to be imperfect.

Years ago when my health was failing and my condition undiagnosed
 I would do a little and rested a lot.
I seem to be back in that place now but it it is okay,

I know some 81 year old are very active
and it must be great.  On the other hand  I do not want to go back to the years
when I was over involved.  I am happy with a slower pace.

There has to be a reason for everything
although it can beyond our understanding.

There has to be a season to allow for change and growth.

I have a 94 year old friend who lives alone and her daughter is proud of her because she called the ambulance.  They got there before her daughter could come.  It was a heart problem.

We appreciated Sandra dropping for a visit after dropping two of the bigger kittens off.
Too bad it was raining so hard to do some gardening.

I hope the rain has cleaned the air of all that pollen that was floating about;
that should help my cough.

Cathy took us to the River Inn for lunch.  She is good company too.
Work has become stressful for her as they have made changes and
made the job harder to do and then there is a back load of work to do.
It was interesting to hear about her life.

It is good to be cheerful
but okay to be crabby.


Sandra said...

Yes, the rain is no good for gardening in but great for forcing me to buckle down and study.

The momma cat is looking for her missing babies off and on, but not continually crying so that is good.

I was talking to Shawna and Walker has not been eating. She thinks it is because he got his 12 month vaccines.

Janet Dwillies is stopping by around 1pm so I won't make it over to get into your garden today I dont think.


beth bennett said...

That is okay Sandra
You are busy with studying and working and kitten caring and your own gardwning.

I will not go to church but we will have a leasurely drive to Abbottsofrd.

Enjoy your visit.
