Friday, May 17, 2019


Thank you Caeol and Shandel
Your cards and letters have all arrived in perfect timing and have been an encouragement to me.  Also the phone calls on mother's day1
                                               We all need encouragement!

I have certainly been encouraged by the words and acts of kindness over these last few months.
There is a time to share our painful stories but there is a time to end the story with a happy ending.

Dad did vacuumed upstairs while I did downstairs and then went for a bike ride.  He has not been able to do that because of the rain and it does lift his spirits.

I am up early as usual and it is only me and the skunk that is over in the neighbors yard.  Actually it is very pretty from a distance.  Dad was up late writing a story on the computer, full of adventure I am sure.  I write best in the morning.

Happy to have a visit with Carol and Panteli on their way home from Kelowna.  They enjoyed their time together walking and seeing how things have changed there.

I will enjoy my new flowers.

I stop washing my kitchen floor to listen to a friend whose life is in a mess.  I am good at listening and wish I could do more but she realizes I cannot help get her car back from Chilliwack.  the phone calls kept coming so I gave up washing the floor.  O well there is tomorrow or even next week!

I encourage her that things will work out as they always do.

"When we are who we are called to be we set the world ablaze."  -St. Catherine.

We all like happy endings!


Shandel said...

I am glad to see that the card arrived. Better late then never??

Hope you all enjoy your long weekend. :)

Steady-as-rain said...

I write better in the morning, too. Evening is for watching TV, or maybe reading.

I went to the doctor and he gave me a prescription for antibiotics for a bronchial infection and a puffer. It was kind of funny as my cough comes and goes and when I was in the doctor's office I couldn't stop coughing.

Anyway, hopefully the medicine helps.

A skunk? That's almost worse than raccoons.



nancy-Lou said...

Hi Beth, it has been a while since I have had a chance to read you bloG.I am glad to hear that Larry got out for a bike ride. My goodness you had a busy day on the phone. I don't receive many phone calls these days, mostly texts. Times have changed so much

Today a busy day with visitors. I was working in the studio with my partner in crime, dear friend. we were working on our own pieces, I wasnt teaching. Sadly she is developing dementia and it upsets me to see her struggling for words and when she cannot remember where she is going. She seems to be managing ok on her own, but likely not for too much longer.

Ken, my partner, went fishing today in his kayak. With his Grandson. It got really wavy and they came home AFTER a couple of hours. The ice just left the lake the other dAY, they released their fish.

i am still moving. Getting a house ready to sell fter living there for 43 years is not easy. I wished I could post some photos here buy I can.t It so beautiful.

I am tryihg to type on a lap top that is small and it is too hard...will write soon,

Have a lovely evening,

Love Nancy

Sandra said...

It sounds like Monday might be cold and rainy so will see if the gardening happens.

beth bennett said...

Rick, I hope the inhaler works.
I always coughed more at the doctor's office.

Coughing is exhausting.
I hope you can rest.

These coughs can take awhile to heal.

Well Heartbeat to night.
I hope it is funny.

Take care

Love mum.

beth bennett said...

Always good to hear from you Nancy and you to Sandra,