Monday, May 20, 2019


                                        This clematis at Carol and Panteli's house is beautiful.
                                             I am waiting for mine to bloom.
                                        Diversity is a good thing.  All our gardens are different.

A very wet and dreary day.  Plans to work in the garden were cancelled although I did get the lawn cut before the heavier rain started.

Our plans to visit the book store in Langley did not work out because dad did not feel up to it.
I had several books from the library to read and then walked over to the store.  Plans do not always work out but it is still good to try and plan.

I visited friends on the phone.  Some of us are still old fashioned.

We look at the world in many diverse and multifaceted ways.  Our children have their own personalities and gifts.  I am thankful that we can respect each other even when we do not always agree.

Unity is never about becoming the same even though we have similar goals and values.

I guess we all have to try and figure out what we are here for.

We all have a story to share.


Sandra said...

Yes, it was very rainy on Monday. I have to admit I was happy as I had school work still so much easier to focus if the sunshine is not beckoning me to come outdoors.

Sorry that you guys did not get out after all, but really was a good day to just stay in and stay warm.

We are very different yes, I am always comparing my self to Carol and how much more outgoing and adventurous she is. Nothing like me. And she is always good to catch a meal with, whereas you would think Randy and I are poor as church mice for the lack of food in our cupboards. Oh well.

I will definitely be over on the weekend to do your garden as the weather is going to be nice. If you want to buy any annuals for me to plant I can do that then too.


Steady-as-rain said...

Christopher should be cutting your grass.

beth bennett said...

Good suggestion Rick.

How are you feeling.

I have a cough now but it is an allergy.

I have an inhaler.

Love mom