Friday, November 1, 2019


Lots of children came to our door.

It was great fun having Ophelia and Astrid run to the door with us and give out candies.  I had expected them to come earlier and had just decided maybe Craig had forgotten when they all four arrived.  I was very happy and excited to see them all.

A little boy about 8 came to the door with a very scary mask on, and scared Astrid.  She burst out in tears but fortunately daddy was right there behind to pick her up in his loving arms.  The little boy was so cute he took off his mask  and said it was okay it was just him!

A lot of my pictures turned out blurry but at least I got a few.

Ophelia fixes her mom's hair.

     Astrid is very shy at first.  She plaed a bit with the toys and with our puupy and with this light.
Ophelia writes her name.
Grandpa walked over to get a pizza.
That was a good help.

Two great dad's!

It was the most fun we have ever had on Halloween.  The fireworks were just going off when they left.

A very cold and frosty  morning! 
                                           Spenser wonders how Daisy is doing?


Sandra said...

That is good Spencer was not scared of the fireworks.
I have not heard from Kimberly how many kids they had come to our door.
I saw on our neighbourhood Facebook page that the people on the main circle had up to 300!

beth bennett said...

Yes the fireworks were very noisy.

Spenser is also good at taking dad for a walk.

Worked in the garden will rest and then maybe write my blog.

How are you feeling?

Love mom

Shandel said...

Awww Spencer sure is cute!!! Daisy is doing much much better. But we are in a strict routine for a road to recovery. She is not impressed with less outdoor time. But healing well. Two full days home now.