Sunday, November 17, 2019


Look up to see how many more leaves to expect.
One or two.

I look out the door to investigate if it is raining.  It appears to have stopped as Spenser and I start our for our walk.  We have only gone a block when it starts again.  He comes home as a very wet puppie.  Time to give him a bath.  Dad and I knell by the bath tub and it goes okay.  The difficulty is getting him dry.  He is now dry and smells cleaner.

I have spent the rest of the morning investigating churches on line.

I want it to be close and one we can both feel at home.

This is not going to be easy peachy.

Today we have been invited to Maurice and Cliff's house for afternoon tea.  This will be enough for me for today.

We both get tired very quickly but we know it is good to get out and to talk with others, 

Uncertainty needs to be investigated.


Shandel said...

Today feels like spring! We have nice sunshine and warmer temps. We did lots of cleaning and errands today. It always feels good to have things in order and ready for the week ahead. Daisy had her stitches out Thursday evening and everything seems to be healing well. She is eager to get back to her daily regular full walks. Cameron and I are planning a visit in February. We have the last week off till March 2. Will be nice to come visit!

Sandra said...

Randy and I dropped off some stuff at VV and then went to Lowes and Wallmart and after that I was done for the day. I should have brought a snack with me but forgot.

The kittens are going in to get fixed today. Fingers crossed not too much longer till they get homes of their own.


beth bennett said...

Good news.

Love you