Saturday, November 30, 2019


                                             Lots of blue sky as Spenser and I walk through the park.

Dad has been in pain all day but we think we may have found what the trouble is.  He had a fall on his bike and landed on his shoulder.  The pain was under his arm pit and up his shoulder.  Talked to Hamlet on the way to the airport.  We will follow his advice.  If it is not better he can go to a clinic or to see his doctor on Monday.

Hope we both sleep a little better tonight.

Spenser has been a lot of trouble today.  Woke us up early by jumping on he bed.  He also was barking a lot.  I took him for a big walk around 3 so I hope this will help him sleep too.

I had to rewrite my blog as it disappeared on me.  So annoying.

No church in the morning which is disappointing for me.

The Christmas story is all about the power of love.

Why do we all start feeling stressed?

We all have different expectations.

I am happy just to be with family! ! !


Sandra said...

Sorry dad has been having pain. Was it already bothering him Friday when we went to Carol's? Did you drive Hamlet to the airport?

We went to the buy new furniture for the living room. We are both frustrated that the grey couches are just too big for the space. We were both exhausted by the time we got home. So many decisions to make. And then second guessing our selves after coming home.

Randy had been expecting to go to work on the graveyard shift but he got canceled.

We can go to the Calvary Church by my house on Christmas Eve. They have a 4:30 or a 6:00 pm service.


beth bennett said...

SANDRA iT WAS ALREADY botheriing him.

Kim drove Hamlet to the airport and we talked to him by phone.

He ewcommended Alieve and it has helped.

We went out a little bit today but he gets tired quicky
his feet are hurting.

That is a good suggestion about church.

love mom