Wednesday, November 6, 2019


What a beautiful world.
Lovely to look at but a lot of work to clean up.
Dad and I have been raking leaves for two days
and he has been putting it in bags.

Yesterday  morning when I step out the patio it is full of leaves and one or two fall on my head.  We decide to take a break so dad drives me down to the Nursing Home in White Rock.
 I took Spenser in with me.  The staff are always happy to see us and even dull old eyes light up when they see little Spenser.  He even cheers up my friend Joan who is usually very depressed.  She has lost her glasses and thinks some one has stolen them.  They were found tucked away in a drawer where she probably hid them.

The atmosphere seems to brighten up as we laugh together.  

The funny thing is I found out she has been to see my eye doctor and was very annoyed at the two hour procedure.  It would be even harder for her.

We all try to look for the good when we have a bad day.

There is a story Anne Suberan tells of a man on a small desert island who spends his days collecting bits of wood to make a fire.  Accidentally the wrong pile burns and there is none left.  He is devastated. Nothing can get any worse he thinks.

The next day a small boat arrives because they have seen the smoke and think it must be a signal for help.  This story ends well but we do not always see results of  our difficult circumstances.

Growing older makes us aware of our limitations.

The best we can do is to take each day as it comes and be thankful for what we have.

I am responsible for my attitude and the atmosphere I create around me.


Sandra said...

That is great you get to share Spencer with other people. They should have a cat too, or 3 or 4!

Mary had a bit of a scairy day, her cat Tommy came home bleeding. At first she thought he had been hit by a car, but took him to the vet and more likely an animal bite.


Shandel said...

Oh poor Tommy boy! That happened to my kitty Ruby back in 2007. She had to have surgery. Cats hardly ever get along with other cats. Specially neighbourhood cats. Hope he is ok!

It's so true. Sometimes things happen and its really hard to see past the terrible feelings you have. But there is always light at the end of a dark tunnel. Even when its painful or devastating, there is growth in moving forward. I posted a comment for yesterday's blog. I hope you still see them. I get a few days behind sometimes. We have full winter here. It's getting cold at night and even during the day. The other night we had to plug our vehicles in. already! -23!! Yikes. I better get my ski pants out for walks with daisy dog. I'm so glad you can take Spencer with you to visit. They sure to brighten up everyone's day. We see that alot too when we take daisy for walks. Lots of elderly people want to stop and talk and get happy excited pets in. Daisy loves all the attention. Does Spencer enjoy just as much?

beth bennett said...

Spener loves lots of attention.

Nice to talk to Cameron today.

I will look and see if I saw your coment yesterday Shandel.

Love grama

beth bennett said...

Yes Shandel I did.

Much appreciated.
Love grama