Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Walking with Spenser early in the morning.

Walked over to the dentist after having broke one of my teeth.

Thankful it was within walking distance.
It was turning out to be a lovely sunny day.
I ended up having four teeth fixed making it a long appointment
Dr. Patterson's daughter did the work and she did a great job.
I was worn out for the rest of the day.

Dad was at home taking the bathroom sink apart.
Not a fun day for him.

Each of us faces different problems daily and sometimes we have walked on the wrong path and had to turn around and start over.

The rain has refreshed the air
and the grass is very green.
The sky a deep blue and I remind myself to be thankful.


Shandel said...

Oh not fun to have broken teeth but very glad you were able to have them fixed efficiently. Daisy is back up to her regular daily (twice daily) walks and she is such a happy pup. These last three weeks have been a whirlwind and we are glad to be getting back to some normalcy. I hope your hunt for a new church goes well. I would assume it's a hard choice because you want to feel comfortable and safe to explore and learn. It's like finding a new set of friends or being with family. In a sense.

beth bennett said...

Yes Shandel
That is so true.

Happy that Daisy has recovered so well.

Love grama

Steady-as-rain said...

Sorry to hear about the broken tooth. Glad you got it fixed fairly quickly.

Another phone interview. Getting tired of them, I must say.



beth bennett said...

Rick, this must be a very dificult time for you.

I do hope and pray you will get some answers soon.

Love mom