Friday, November 8, 2019


Our neighbors across the street have put up their Christmas decorations.
I wonder how Donna is feeling about this as she was always the first.
It does seem a little early but they do add light to out dark nights.

Dad and were awe struck at the amazing sunset  that made the whole sky light up with bright colors.  We were driving in to enjoy supper with Kim and Hamlet as chefs.  Kim makes even carrots taste good and Hamlet is excellent at preparing salads.  Carol added shrimp and chicken.  To top it all off we had her delicious home made carrot cake.

We have been eating such healthy food lately we did not expect to catch colds.

Dad is very uncomfortable with a nose that runs continually.  He wanted to ride his bike today because we know the rain is coming.

I have been running to the bathroom and feeling more tired than usual

Both this are uncomfortable but we will be better soon.

A quiet day today.

I like to believe that spirituality adds comfort to religion that can be about rules and regulations.

Sorry to hear about Mary's cat.

The unexpected can happen at any time to any of us.  Life happens and we can choose how to respond.

We go along in our comfortable life style and it is easy to be happy and comfortable.


Sandra said...

When I was driving home from work I saw the sunset in my rear view mirror and knew you would see it driving to Carol's.
That is too bad you and dad are not 100%, I was surprised I did not catch anything in our travels.

Might start some Christmas shopping today.


beth bennett said...

Have fubfun Sandra

Dad and Spenser are looking for me.

Both are better toda;

>ove mom

Steady-as-rain said...

That dinner sounds like it was great!

I am sorry you and Dad are both feeling poorly. Hopefully, you will get better soon.

I continue on with my job hunt. Two have really caught my eye. One is in Albert Bay on Vancouver Island, and one is up in Williams Lake. I've applied for many other jobs but those two are my favourites.

Seems I am very likely to have to move. I will probably end up putting many books into storage, which quite defeats the purpose of having the books. Oh dear.

I am hoping I might go to Vancouver Island next week for a job interview (just a hope at this point). If so, I will let you know and stop by on the way.



Steady-as-rain said...

That should be "Alert Bay" not Albert.