Sunday, November 24, 2019


                                            Next year will be the time to decide to paint our house.
                                               Our neighbor is complaining of the view.

Talked to Rick on the phone.  He seems in good spirits, well he laughed at our jokes so that is a good sign.  He is waiting to hear back from Inuvik or Campbell River and another place on the island.  A lot of questions and he seems well qualified.  He is called a First Nations -coordinator I believe

Good news that Hamlet is going to be starting Dec. 2nd in Vanchura.  I guess I will learn how to spell it.

No we did not go to church.  I am undecided.  A United church or a Community Church?

I am looking forward to meeting new friends.

Dad has a very runny nose and we hope he is better to-morrow.

Nothing planned.


Sandra said...

Did your neighbor really complain? I would think the bare hedge would be more of an issue.

We had planned on going Christmas shopping after stopping in to see you yesterday. But then you were not supposed to be home and with the sun shining I just wanted to tackle the mess that I see in the back yard rather than wander around the mall.

Did a bit then took a break, did a bit more and left the rest for when ever. Maybe at this point it will be the spring.


beth bennett said...

Yes T.J. complained but he offered to help paint.

Did a bit in the yard today.

Love mom