Friday, November 15, 2019


We have been getting up to early and then going to bed too early too.

Watching all the impeachment trails on T.V..

The people seem very ordinary even though they have important jobs.  The answers seem to be honest and sensible.  The motive of the questioners are very obvious.

Getting at the truth is not always easy.

We drove to White Rock to go to Milestones and Choices.  The traffic was awful.  The parking was stressful.  I do not like shopping it seems to give me a headache.

I am meeting new people every time I walk Spenser.

We have not given him a bath yet.  Maybe to-morrow.

Life is very ordinary but that suits me just fine right now.

I think the next book I read will be ;
 "Stand firm; Resist the Self-Improvement Craze"   by Svend Brinkmann.


Steady-as-rain said...

I've managed to resist the self-improvement craze so far. I suspect I will continue to be able to resist it.

I watched the Yovanovitch lady on TV and she was very impressive, and I applauded too when the crowd applauded at the end. Even though I was home alone. Just seemed the right thing to do.

I have a potential job thing in Inuvik. Early days on that one.



beth bennett said...

Yes Rick we agree.

Inuvik is very far away?

Isn't it ?

Have you enguired about holidays?

Do you like living in the cold?

Waiting for dad to wake up to see if his stomach is better
before making any decisions for church.

Take care.

Love mom

Sandra said...

Blah kind of weekend with all the rain. Randy is off today so at least I will get out of the house. I had hoped to do some raking in the yard but does not look good for that so far.


beth bennett said...

Me too Sandra
I wanted to rake and blow leaves.

Not going to church today.

I am feeling tired and not sure how dad's stomach will be.

Going to have tea with my our old group of friends
that include Pat and John. Nick and Dorens.

That will be enough for me today.

Enjoy your outing.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

No, I definitely don't like the cold. Inuvik is far away, up North. Oliver works there sometimes.

I am not keen to go back to Inuvik but the job opportunity is a good one. Anyway, they may not offer it to me. I'll know more by the end of next week in the sense of whether the interest is really serious.


beth bennett said...

Okay we will wait to hear.

Love mom