Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Driving into Tsawwassen into a dark cloud of fog.
This seems to be just like the fog we experienced when we first came here from the prairies.

We are reminded of the thick fog we disliked when we first moved here from the sunny prairies.
People wearing dark clothing are putting themselves at risk.

When we arrive at Carol and Pantel's we see white runners shoes walking towards their house.. Yes Ben was arriving before us.  He is off to L. A. I believe this week-end.

He is having another busy week-end playing soccer.

It is great to be waking up to more light in the morning.  We change our clocks back but then forget which ones we changed.  We ask our goggle to tell us the right time.  
It is fun visiting with everyone.  Hamlet is still here waiting for a date for his job as a doctor to begin.

Kim is working at a Beauty Parlour helping with book work etc.  We remember when she was taking classes to be a hair dresser.

Panteli is busy doing marking.  He is working part time.

Carol left early to attend a meeting about planning the Christmas party for the complex.  There will be lots of different ideas.

Theresa and Morgan joined Carol in town to see :Circus O Leigh."  A beautiful magical evening.

Earlier in the day we had arrived at the doctor's office to see a  room full of people.  Looks like it was going to be a waiting game.  We had been warned to expect two hours and it was more like a half an hour over that.  Yes I need the cataracts removed.  I did not know my sight was so poor until it was tested.

I started feel dizzy and nauseated so did not wait to make the appointment.  I was so glad to get home and have dad make us lunch.

I am doing less now and resting more.  Dad also is slowing down.  He did go for a bike ride after we got home before going out for supper.

When are brains start to fog up we need to make an effort to stay active mentally and physically.


Anonymous said...

It is good to catch up on all of the comings and going with the Ateah bunch as they are always all so busy. Is Kim not doing her substitute teaching still?


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra, that is what she is doing at the Beauty Parlor
she is a substitue that is regular.

Love mom

Shandel said...

I have been feeling like it's that time for us to have our eyes checked. This time last year my aunt was experiencing blurred foggy vision and it turned out to be a detached retina. She went through several months of healing post surgery. Eye stuff always gives me the heebie jeebies lol. We have been meaning to call you but then getting carried away with evening routines by the time we remember it's too late. So we will try again today. Cameron said he would call on his break if work was slow enough. Daisy is doing a lot better and ready for her regular routine. Her pain meds and antibiotics are finished tomorrow. But she still has a couple weeks of no running or jumping or walking too far. How do you slow down a healthy happy pup?!?

beth bennett said...

Happy to hear Daisy is recovering.

It is good to hear from you.

Love grma