Sunday, December 8, 2019


A home filled with love is a good place to start.
Starting the season right with family.
Maxwell is growing cuter every time we see him.
Mandy and James will be spending Christmas in Edmonton with family.\
Mandy's sister has just had her baby today.
Sandra and Randy are great hosts for this early Christmas party.

Part of the classic Christmas story is the journey Mary and Joseph took to Bethlehem.  It was not an easy journey but they found a place to have their baby.

Any journey brings invertible challenges, but being with family is a great blessing.

We did not go to church today because I was feeling a little tired.

We did go shopping for more Christmas lights.  Dad is very enthusiastic about putting up the lights.

It is wonderful to see Christmas lights glowing in windows and loving family celebrating together.

Christmas is about family.


Sandra said...

Hmm, too tired for church. Did Spencer at least get his morning walk?

We did our morning clean up from the night before and took the kittens in to the shelter, but there was no one wanting to come in and meet them. : ( so, we just stayed while they all got their shots.

Did a quick run out to Cloverdale looking for a coffee table then came home, made a fire and snuggled in for an afternoon nap.

When for a walk later once it was dark. Met a nice yellow lab when it barked behind us at another dog and we did not know he was there and scared us. Once we forgave him for that he wanted to walk with us instead of his owner and kept turn around to come back and say hi.


beth bennett said...

Did you buy a coffeetable?

Whata busy day.

Yes Spenser always get atleasttwo walks a day.

Rick is on the ferry on his way to Alert Bay.

A long trip fpr him.

We are going to buy Spensera rain coat that fits.

Love mom

Sandra said...

No, we decided to wait till we get the furniture, make sure everything fits in.
